black rutile quartz chips

Black Rutile Quartz Chips-One Ounce

Regular price $8.00 Sale

Black Rutile Quartz Chips - One Ounce

This Listing is for one ounce of black rutile quartz chips.Refer to the last pics to see sample lot of one ounce.

Black rutile quartz is a powerful stone of grounding and protection. It is also a great amplifier, making it ideal for use in energy work and meditation. Black rutile quartz chips can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Carry them with you in a pouch or pocket. This is a great way to stay grounded and protected throughout the day.
  • Place them in your home or office to create a positive and supportive energy field.
  • Use them in crystal grids to amplify your intentions.
  • Meditate with them to connect with your higher self and receive guidance.
  • Place them on your body during energy healing sessions.

Benefits of Black Rutile Quartz:

  • Grounding and protection
  • Amplification of energy
  • Spiritual growth and development
  • Emotional healing
  • Release of negative emotions and blockages
  • Increased intuition and psychic abilities
  • Enhanced creativity and innovation
  • Improved problem-solving and decision-making skills

How to Use:

  • Carry black rutile quartz chips with you in a pouch or pocket.
  • Place them in your home or office.
  • Use them in crystal grids.
  • Meditate with them.
  • Place them on your body during energy healing sessions.

One ounce of black rutile quartz chips is a great way to experience the many benefits of this powerful stone.