One Large Purple Anhydride palmstones - You Select

One Large Purple Anhydride palmstones - You Select

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Purple anhydride is very unique gemstone mined in Madagascar . Width of each heart 30-35mm

You’ll receive one heart on order .

It is a naturally soft stone and is prone to chips .There might be chips on these palmstones due to soft nature of this stone . Few of them have epidote and orange calcite inclusions

For size guidance check the last pic .

Purple anhydride is extremely rare gemstone from Madagascar .
Anhydrite means “lack of water” and is related to angelite.It usually comes with combinations of mineral like blue calcite, orange feldspar, black tourmaline and deep green epidote. A very transformational piece.

Anhydride with orange or blue calcite help one keep balance physical body.Anhydride with green epidote help you clear your blockages to enhance your spiritual development .Anhydride with black tourmaline keep you clear of negative energies while you work.